Sensory Solutions

Why Sensory Solutions?

The manner in which our brain processes sensory information differs from person to person. This influences how we interact with our environment, respond to social situations, engage with scientific material and focus our attention.  However, if an individual does not self regulate effectively and appropriately by using sensory strategies, he/she may be at risk of experiencing overload to the extent that it can have a detrimental effect on their health and wellbeing.

Our practice follows a solution focussed and practical approach to assist our clients to develop sensory self regulation strategies specific to their sensory profiles, whilst learning how to incorporate this in their lifestyle so that they can enhance their efficiency, rather than being at risk of developing adverse symptoms due to persistent overload.

Who Will Benefit?

  • Mental health symptoms or conditions (eg. anxiety, depression, persistent stress, burn-out and associated conditions)
  • Employers and Employees (Erika)
  • Students/ Scholars
  • Teachers/Parents

Intervention Outcomes

  • Implement self regulation strategies to reduce overload and assist with attention and concentration
  • Improved emotional control,  interpersonal relationships and team interaction
  • Improved efficiency to keep abreast of study, home or work schedules
  • Improved understanding of how to structure the sensory environment to optimise performance and reduce overload
  • Improved understanding of potential behavioral challenges in children

1 Hands-on treatment (tactile input, exercises)

We offer various hands-on-treatment services, depending on the level of interference that an individual experiences in their developmental trajectory. More often than not, learners, students and even adults have learned to compensate for developmental functions which have not reached maturity in earlier years. Our practice incorporates the Masgutova method of neurosensori motor reflex integration (MNRI) and continue to observe promising outcomes in clients of different age groups, including clients recovering from trauma (physical or emotional) and/or post traumatic stress. Visit the following link for a brief description of the MNRI approach.

Play Video

Masgutova MNRI® Introduction

  • Improving neurotiming

Our practice uses principles of the Interactive Metronome® (IM), combined with reflex integration to assist with the enhancement of neurotiming. We observe that once the body is able to “feel” timing, the brain is better able to “execute” with purpose and efficiency.

For more information click on the following button.

What is IM?
  • Learning Breakthrough Programme

By using the Learning Breakthrough Program™, functions such as balance and physical movement (to integrate auditory, visual, motor planning, tactile, body positioning and neurofeedback systems) are used to enhance neurotransmission, which in turn assist to adjust the brain’s functions.  Once these foundational functions improve, we observe enhanced higher cognitive functions, also known as executive functions. 

More information about the content of this programme can be obtained by visiting the following website:

  • Progressive Goal Attainment, planning and activity scheduling

This programme is a uniquely evidence based programme, which is usually administered over a ten week period (involving one to one sessions) with the client. The primary aim is to assist the client to resume previous interests (where and if possible), provide strategies to implement adjustments by pre-determined specific goals and bridge the gap to resume working or staying at work (if possible). Principles of goal attainment, planning and activity scheduling are introduced to assist the individual with structure in their day, whilst learning to review their own performance. 

More Information

2 Sensory profiling

By administering sensory profiling (a self development tool), the client discovers his/her unique sensory thresholds and how this influences their efficiency and productivity at home and at work. Sensory self regulation techniques are tailored according to each person’s profile.  These results are available in a personalised 25 page report, which includes an outline of self regulation strategies. Specific coaching is offered to analyse and interpret your sensory profile, following which advice and practical strategies are discussed to improve your academic and work efficiency.

3 Self regulation / coaching

Self-regulation involves the monitoring and controlling of one’s own feelings, emotions and behavior. It necessitates the ability to block out irrelevant stimuli, control impulses and persist in tasks. By using activity scheduling and coaching we assist you in identifying and planning the appropriate self regulation techniques throughout the day so that you can remain in a state of calm and enhance your performance.

4 Return to Work

By adapting your work environment according to your sensory thresholds and scheduling the appropriate self regulation techniques throughout the day you can improve your efficiency, productivity and decrease your stress and anxiety. The Occupational therapist will be involved in your return to work by developing a reintegration plan, making recommendations according to your environmental and sensory needs and by scheduling team and employer meetings to discuss these recommendations.

5 Sensory Ergonomics

Environmental elements such as color, shapes and textures, lighting, noise, quiet spaces etc. can affect your well being and productivity.  The workplace or other indoor spaces should therefore reduce harmful sensory stimulation and increase uplifting sensory experiences to enhance wellbeing and productivity. An assessment can be done to look at your workplace / home / study environment to provide useful, practical recommendations.

6 Workshops

We facilitate sensory workshops for groups of 10 to 15 people.  It can be tailored according to the group’s specific needs ie. working moms, corporate, team building etc. A quote can be requested following which a session can be arranged at your place of work/study. Alternatively, keep an eye on our facebook page for our next public workshop!